How Course Providers Can Get Your Accredited

Our Course Accreditation Value Proposition

  • If a course buyer is looking at two competing courses to purchase to solve their problem.
  • One course prominently shows an official National Online Course Accreditation emblem displayed on its website, literature, certificate, and checkout page.
  • The other competing course does not.
  • Who has a better chance of getting the sale?
  • By being here, you already know the answer.
  • If our credential of accreditation emblem on your website, certificate, literature, and when you are selling on a call to potential customers makes you more money than this small investment in a year … 
  • Then that is our value to you.
least cost course accreditation


  1. $100 per “each” hour of video content to be reviewed per each course. Minimum of three hours or $300 (including combined courses to reach the minimum.) The initial review includes one year of emblem licensing.
  2. Each additional year of emblem licensing is $75 per year per course from the time of purchase.
  3. Your current licensing subscription allows you to benefit form the use the National Online Course Accreditation on your website, certificates, promotional material, media, YouTube, advertising, and other social media.


  1. Place your order
  2. Submit the credentials for one of our evaluators to review your course.
  3. Send a list of the proposed student outcomes and transformation. This will be the primary focus of our evaluation, with less focus on aesthetics. Our goal is insure value.
  4. If you want a written evaluation with feedback, that is available for an extra one-time charge.
  5. Once approved, we will send your emblem in licensed JPEG and PNG formats for use on the website for each course and the certificates for this course.

Terms of Service

© 2024  National Online Course Accreditation